Animal Genre Books Wiki

Upcoming Book: Battle of Riptide

Shark Wars
Book Cover
Book Cover
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First EJ Altbacker
Second Sharks
Third #1 Book of the Series
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Gray is already bigger than all the other sharks in his clan, or shiver. He can't stop growing, and when his hunger gets him into trouble, he's banished from the reef. Luckily his best friend Barkley comes with him... but their hunt for food forces them to journey deep into the Big Blue.

Then Gray and Barkley accidentally swim into Goblin Shiver territory. They have no choice but to join the shiver. They'll help fight against the rival sharks of Razor Shiver in return for training, protection, and food. But who can Gray and Barkley trust when the ocean is full of slippery fish and one mistake means you're someone else's dinner?
